ASI: De ECB heeft de omvang van de economische groeivertraging in de eurozone nog niet begrepen

Hieronder het commentaar van Paul Diggle, econoom bij Aberdeen Standard Investments, op het ECB-rapport over de financiële stabiliteit:
Hieronder het commentaar van Paul Diggle, econoom bij Aberdeen Standard Investments, op het ECB-rapport over de financiële stabiliteit:
“The ECB has plenty to be concerned about from a financial stability perspective. Market risk premiums are highly compressed and valuations are elevated, creating a potential vulnerability just as quantitative easing is coming to an end.
Sovereign debt sustainability has been called into question by Italy’s planned fiscal splurge and European banks’ ability to lend to the real economy is being hampered by ultra-low interest rates.
“To this list of worries, we would add another: the ECB hasn’t yet grasped the extent of the Eurozone economic slowdown, amid an increasingly challenging global economic outlook. A slowing macroeconomy could bring many of the ECB’s concerns to the fore over the next few years.”